Our history year by year...

  1. 1899

    J.A Robertson opened Robertson Bakery.

  2. 1920

    Scotch oven installed still been used.

  3. 1940

    Japanese bombing of Darwin stopped house to house deliveries.

  1. 1951

    Bakery sold after 4 generations but tradition still continued.

  2. 1983

    Official supplier of bread to Prince Charles and Lady Diana.

  3. 2016

    Re opening of our second store in the Brand New Caltex Service Centre.


Central Bakery: Mon-Fri:6 am-6pm | Sat-Sun: 8am-7pm | Closed: Christmas, Boxing and New Years Day.
Southern Bakery: Mon-Sun: 7am-4.30pm | Closed: Christmas, Boxing and New Years Day.

interior full-size photo